
Xynectify VM-Gard


Safety and compline are a priority for every organisation. Xinectify Visitor Management System provides ease of use and seamless integration of visitor management application. track & trace and AI based survillance technology. This solution offers comfort and security for both visitors and hosts to provide practical and convenient services at the office or organisational enviroment.

  • Flexibility

Depending on your requirement, Xinectify Visitor Management systemen has the flexibility to be provided on a range of small or large. The system is completely configurable and compatible with many devices.

  • Fast-track sign-in

If a visitor or group of visitors has been pre-registered, prehaps for a conoference, then they can sign-in quickly by simply scanning a code. This helps you to free up administrative resources for more
productive taks.

  • Simply Smarter Service

With its intuitive software that support touchscreen technology display. Xinectify Visitor Management system provides a quick and easy way to self sign-in and out of sites or specific building zones. Visitors simply tap the screen to enter their details. As well as saving the receptionist time managing guest sign-ins, there's also no need to locate the visitor's host. The system will instantly notify them by email or text message that their guest has arrived. And for added convenience. delivery companies or couriers can quicly drop off packages using the dedicated delivery function.

  • Visitor Movement Tracking

Welcoming visitors to your oraganisation is not just about making a good impression - it is important to monitor their to monitor their arrival and depature for security, compliance and health & safety reasons, This is one of the major limitations of a manual visitor registration process, as it is easy to lose track of who is in the building.

Xinectify Visitor Management system enables you to create a safer worksplace as the of a site. At any time, you can generate a real-time report to identify exactly who is in the building or review all visitor activity at the end of the day. Having a central database of up-to-date contact details also means that you can quickly notify everyone in the event of an emergency and provide instruction on what to do.



System overview

Visitor Management System allows the user to track visitors, employees and deliveries as they enter and exit the facilities. The system also supports printing of custom designed visitor passes card with details like visitor identity, expiration date, visit area, host being visited and visit purpose. In addition, the Visitor Management System allows the user to:

  • Clearly identify visitors by category, to restrict access to vulnerable goods
    and information.
  • Keep track the presence of visitors, couriers. goods delivery vehicles in
    the facility environment
  • Generate reports to ensure regulatory compliance
  • Scan and save the visitor IDs
  • Capture the visitors face at the time of registration
  • Record visitors enter and exit times
  • Tag visitors by a blacklist or whitelist category
  • Generate visitor's history
  • Visitors can make an appointment to visit the host
  • The host can accept or reject visitor visits
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