

Integraxia is a system that facilitates appraisal and reporting to support efficient company management,


  • More optimum evaluation process.
  • Scale up the performance in monitoring control and reporting.
  • Enhance employees’ work efficiency
  • Increase speed in reporting time.
  • Provide more organised document archiving.
  • Centralised reporting and assessment processes.
  • Transparency in the appraisal of reports which is supported by an automatic assessment system.
  • Support interconnection of data between related integrated systems.



 Dashboard Monitoring

Visual information presented in a way that is designed specifically based on the User needs, which assists the User in the speed of the captured information being presented in a clear and simple display.

  • Users can design their own presentation of the visual data.
  • Dashboard updating can be completed automatically.
  • The Dashboard can be from a combination of several related visual data when enabled.
  • Authentication and User access can be set by the Administrator.


Appraisal Management

An assessment system to determine how effective a report in the organisation is being reviewed and actioned based on pre-determined criteria and conditions:

  • Capable to assess reports automatically and accurately.
  • User can filter reports to be assessed or revised.
  • Capable of providing appraisals in stages according to User’s security level.
  • Able to see the history of previous report status.


Report Management

A structured and quick bottom-to-top digital reporting process.

  • Users can create a new version of the report, as well as retrieve from the management system data as the basis of their report to senior management.
  • Provide reports in table and various graphics formats.
  • Reporting data can be shared with other users.
  • Provide report data exporting capability in various formats.


Tasks & Activity Management

Each activity can have a specific group where all files, discussions and tasks related to that activity are stored and accessible only to the relevant user.

  • Organisational Chart.
  • Tasks Linkages.
  • Workload Management.
  • Checklist.
  • Report Writing.


Data Comparison Management

Supporting the creation of data comparison in a suitable pre-determined format.

  • Application provides feature of data comparison creation.
  • Data comparison comes in the forms of table and graphics.
  • Provides filtering feature in organising the data comparison.
  • Sharing the data comparison with other users.


Data Interconnection Management

Provide API module input/output to be integrated in other related applications.

  • Provide data integration that can be connected to other related systems.
  • Provide output data retrieval for other external system use.
  • Users can import data from both external system and specific files.


System Excellence 


Have logical relations that are: easy to understand, easy to follow and easy to operate.


Support every section in achieving the organisational goals in order to empower all available resources optimally.

Flexible & Adaptive

Capable of following changes that occur based on the needs of users.

Integrated System

Support data interconnection that enables interrelated system integration.

Data Sheet

No Modules  
01 Dashboard Monitoring Module  
  Dashboard Monitoring DM_DMM_alphaI
  Dashboard Integration Analysis DM_DIAM_alphaII
  Dashboard Mobile App DM_DMA_alphaIII
02 Report Management Modules  
  Report Management RM_RMM_betaI
  Specific Monthly Reporting Management RM_SMRMM_betaII
  General Monthly Report Management RM_GMRMM_betaIII
  Specific Report Analysis RM_SRAM_betaIV
  General Report Analysis RM_GRAM_betaV
  Specific Performance Data RM_SPDM_betaVI
  General Performance Data RM_GPDM_betaVII
  Central Performance Data Management RM_CPDMM_betaVIII
  Performance Data Analysis RM_PDAM_betaIX
  Report Management Mobile App RM_RMMAM_betaX
03 Appraisal Management Modules  
  Specific Report Appraisal Management AM_SRAMM_gammaI
  General Report Appraisal Management AM_GRAMM_gammaII
  Employee Performance Appraisal Management AM_EPAMM_gammaIII
  Ranking Data Analysis AM_RDAM_gammaIV
  Automatic Ranking Data Sharing AM_ARDSM_gammaV
  Appraisal Management Mobile App AM_AMMAM_gammaVI
04 Tasks & Activity Management Modules  
  Tasks & Activity Management TA_TAMG_deltaI
  Tasks & Activity Monitoring TA_TAMT_deltaII
  Tasks Integration & Collaboration TA_TICM_deltaIII
05 Data Comparison Management Modules  
  Data Comparison DC_DCM_epsilonI
  Data Comparison Analysis DC_DCAM_epsilonII
  Data Comparison Integration DC_DCIM_epsilonIII
06 Data Interconnection Management
  Data Interconnection DI_DIM_zetaI
  System Network Integration DI_SNIM_zetaII
  System Interconnection Analysis DI_SIAM_zetaIII
07 Other Modules  
  Automatic Notification OT_ANM_etaI
  Data Searching OT_DSM_etaII
  Document Registration OT_DRM_etaIII
  Archiving OT_AM_etaIV
  Organisational Structure OT_OSM_etaV
  Communication OT_CM_etaVI
  Users Management OT_UMM_etaVII
  Security OT_SM_etaVII
  Users Guide OT_UGM_etaVIII
  Management Log Activity OT_MLA_etaIX
  Database Management OT_DMM_etaX
  Correspondence Report OT_CRM_etaXI
  GIS Management OT_GMM_etaXII




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