

Cirrus Data Management

The definition of data management is the process of managing, storing, arranging, and maintaining data central owned by an organisation. An effective data management can lead to a scale up of IT team work’s efficiency, and can provide necessary information promptly in order to help the designing and decision making processes.


Cirrus Data Management using Extract, Transform, and Load (ETL) data integration technique is the most popular method. The ETL extracts the data from the system source, transforms it into a consistent format, and loads the integrated data up to the data warehouse or other storage systems. However, the current integrated data platform also supports various other integration methods. This includes Extraction, Load, Transform (ELT), the variation in ETL that leaves data in its original format when uploaded to the target platform. The ELT is a generic option for data integration process within the pool of data and other large data system.


The ETL and ELT are the batches which processes run in a scheduled interval. The Data Management Team can also carry out real-time data integration using methods such as data capture transformation that applies to data transformation in the form of database for warehouse or other repositories, and data integration flow that combines real-time data flow continuously. Other virtualisation of data integration options – utilises the abstraction layer to create data virtual display from various systems for end users rather than carry out physical data entry into the data warehouse.


Data Architecture

Source Layer

The first layer is called the Source Layer. This layer is the data source coming from other systems or the actual censors that produce data. For example, if the system integrated into weather sensors, collected data at this layer are all weather perimeter such as wind, temperature, humidity, rain, pressure, sunrays, visibility, and clouds. Each perimeter data is measured in the certain pre-arranged time frequency, for instance, every 2 minutes, 10 minutes, or 24 hour.

Data Staging

The second layer is called the Data Staging. This is where the processes of Extract, Transform, and Load (ETL) happens. Extract is the process of sorting and collecting data from one source or more, and then read/access the selected data. The weather perimeter data from the censors saved in the airport server will then be extracted by DCP (Data Collection Platform) to be sent to the central server later.

Data Processing

The third layer is called the Data Processing. Here, the extracted data will be cleaned and transformed from its original format into a more suitable format for the data warehouse. This is where the data processing of data staging happens to match each purpose, and what can be transformed is the data for analysis/weather forecast in relations to aviation weather and climate info purposes.

Data Warehouse

The fourth layer is the Data Warehouse. Loading process happens on this layer. Loading is the process of entering data into the data warehouse. This layer is used to carry out data utilisation for data mart. The processes here are coding and storing data for further utilisation at the later stage.

Data Mart

The fifth layer is the Data Mart. This layer is the source of data that come from the data warehouse which have been categorised based on the needs for analysis/weather forecast related to aviation and climate info during the weather monitoring.

Information Delivery

The sixth layer is the Information Delivery. This layer is where the information utilisation process for data from the Data Mart happens. The process here entails information display for the Command Center Dashboard.


Application Architecture

This system is based on the client server (Two-Tier Application). The server acts as data provider and the client acts as the data end-user. The business server is managed from the server side (server-centric). This will simplify the process for the business server should there be any changes. Prompt alterations or changes are possible because it only needs to be done only at the server side.


Here’s the list of the Cirrus product's main modules

Cirrus – Pro

  • Visualization Module
  • GIS View Module
  • Data Parser Module
  • Storage Management Module
  • Security Module
  • Search Module
  • Report Module
  • User Management Module
  • Notification Management Module
  • System Configuration Module
  • Chat and Group Discussion Module
  • System Log Module
  • API Module


Cirrus – Data Collector

  • Data Collector Module
  • Airbase Information Module
  • Storage Management Module
  • Search Module
  • Security Module
  • System Configuration Module
  • Notification Management Module
  • Chat and Group Discussion Module
  • System Log Module


Cirrus – Mobile

  • Visualization Module
  • Data Input Module
  • Notification Management Module
  • Search Module
  • System Configuration Module
  • Security Module
  • Chat and Group Discussion Module
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